Přidat obchod

Lodě a vodní sporty

Domovská stránka > Sportovní potřeby > Outdoorové aktivity > Lodě a vodní sporty

14371 CZK - 14371 CZK

Multifunkční vícepolohová nafukovačka je ideálním doplňkem pro rodiny a přátel a je vhodná až pro tři osoby! Díky 12 luxusním držadlům naplněným pěnou si mohou nadšenci užívat zábavnou jízdu na břiše na neoprenové podložce nebo relaxovat a sedět pomocí pohodlného opěradla zad a úchopů namontovaných
7422 CZK - 7422 CZK

Nafukovačka pro čtyři lidi přináší spoustu zábavy s přáteli i rodinou. Její tvrdá vnější vrstva s dvojitým prošitím z nylonu chrání základnu z PVC před poškozením. Bezpečnost zajišťují 4 držadla a také chrániče kolen. Nafukovačka je vybavena jednosměrným ventilem a rychlým lanovým konektorem pro poh
4038 CZK - 4038 CZK

Nafukovačka určená pro jednu osobu je odolná díky PVC vrstvě uvnitř a hrubou nylonovou vnější vrstvou s dvojitým prošitím. Tvar vzduchové matrace pomáhá dosáhnout co nejvyšší rychlosti. Lanový konektor umožňuje snadné připojení a odpojení. Plné balení sestává z těsnění zápěstí, bezpečnostní vlajky a
1652 CZK - 1652 CZK

Vysoce viditelná unisex záchranná vesta je vhodná pro dospělé. Poskytuje pohodlí a bezpečnost při lodních výletech a plavbách. Záchranná vesta disponuje certifikátem ISO 12402-4 s nejaktuálnějšími osvědčeními. Měkká pěna zajišťuje maximální komfort i po několika hodinách. Croth pás je navržen pro do
1504 CZK - 1504 CZK

Náhradní nafukovací sada je určena na nafouknutí záchranných vest.
Barva: Černá
Země původu: Čína
Barva podle výrobce: Černá
1281 CZK - 1281 CZK

Vysokovýkonné prémiové rukavice s dlouhými prsty nabízejí odolnou ochranu. 4-směrná strečová dynamická síťovaná konstrukce kombinuje prodyšný anatomický komfort s volností pohybu. Dynamický střihový systém umožňuje neomezený pohyb pro úplné pohodlí. Dlaň GripFlex zajišťuje vynikající přilnavost s pr
901 CZK - 901 CZK

Vysokovýkonné prémiové rukavice s dlouhými prsty nabízejí odolnou ochranu. 4-směrná strečová dynamická síťovaná konstrukce kombinuje prodyšný anatomický komfort s volností pohybu. Dynamický střihový systém umožňuje neomezený pohyb pro úplné pohodlí. Dlaň GripFlex zajišťuje vynikající přilnavost s pr
790 CZK - 790 CZK

V těchto rukavicích udržujte své ruce chráněny před tvrdostí lodě. 4-směrná strečová dynamická síťovaná konstrukce zajišťuje prodyšný anatomický komfort s naprostou volností pohybu. Strategické ochranné panely zvyšují odolnost, zatímco zapínání na suchý zip zajišťuje přizpůsobení. SLOŽENÍ: 70% Ny
769 CZK - 769 CZK

V těchto rukavicích udržujte své ruce chráněny před tvrdostí lodě. 4-směrná strečová dynamická síťovaná konstrukce zajišťuje prodyšný anatomický komfort s naprostou volností pohybu. Strategické ochranné panely zvyšují odolnost, zatímco zapínání na suchý zip zajišťuje přizpůsobení. SLOŽENÍ: 70% Ny
822 CZK - 822 CZK

V těchto rukavicích udržujte své ruce chráněny před tvrdostí lodě. 4-směrná strečová dynamická síťovaná konstrukce zajišťuje prodyšný anatomický komfort s naprostou volností pohybu. Strategické ochranné panely zvyšují odolnost, zatímco zapínání na suchý zip zajišťuje přizpůsobení. SLOŽENÍ: 70% Ny

4112 CZK

Description: Created for admiring the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkelling mask is the best solution for those who want to admire its beauty, especially those who find the traditional solution with a classic mask and snorkel uncomfortable or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide 18O° field of vision, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in the mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, comfortable use.

4713 CZK

Description: Created for admiring the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkelling mask is the best solution for those who want to admire its beauty, especially those who find the traditional solution with a classic mask and snorkel uncomfortable or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide 18O° field of vision, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in the mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, comfortable use.

4713 CZK

Description: Created for admiring the underwater world from the surface of the water and shallow depths. The modern DRIFT snorkelling mask is the best solution for those who want to admire its beauty, especially those who find the traditional solution with a classic mask and snorkel uncomfortable or too complicated to use. The DRIFT mask guarantees a wide 18O° field of vision, free air exchange without the need to hold the mouthpiece in the mouth and, thanks to the soft collar, comfortable use.

3008 CZK

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3610 CZK

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3911 CZK

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3008 CZK

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3209 CZK

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

1704 CZK

Description: LUMINA is a unique optical swimming goggles designed for people with visual impairments. The dual-lens design of LUMINA glasses offers the ability to conveniently change the distance between the glasses using interchangeable nose bridges of different sizes. The design of the LUMINA glasses, combined with gaskets made of high-quality, soft silicone, provides users with comfort while swimming. LUMINA glasses have a non-evaporating Anti-Fog surface and a UV filter, which, combined with their optical properties, offers unparalleled visibility. LUMINA glasses also have a double silicone strap, the length of which can be adjusted for maximum comfort, and if necessary, you can completely detach it from the lenses. LUMINA glasses have glasses whose corrections can be adjusted adequately to the visual defect in each eye.

1704 CZK

Description: LUMINA is a unique optical swimming goggles designed for people with visual impairments. The dual-lens design of LUMINA glasses offers the ability to conveniently change the distance between the glasses using interchangeable nose bridges of different sizes. The design of the LUMINA glasses, combined with gaskets made of high-quality, soft silicone, provides users with comfort while swimming. LUMINA glasses have a non-evaporating Anti-Fog surface and a UV filter, which, combined with their optical properties, offers unparalleled visibility. LUMINA glasses also have a double silicone strap, the length of which can be adjusted for maximum comfort, and if necessary, you can completely detach it from the lenses. LUMINA glasses have glasses whose corrections can be adjusted adequately to the visual defect in each eye.