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Domovská stránka > Sportovní potřeby > Outdoorové aktivity > Lodě a vodní sporty > Plavání

2099 CZK  10% 

Šnorchlování je sport, který vám umožní sledovat podvodní život. Jedná se o plavání na vodní hladině s ponořenou tváří ve vodě. Šnorchlování #veSpokeyStylu Juniorská celoobličejová maska pro šnorchlování Spokey ZUMI JR byla vytvořena pro všechny, kteří mají rádi podvodní svět a jeho magickou faunu a flóru. Díky ní můžete pohodlně pozorovat podvodní svět zblízka. Celoobličejová maska ZUMI JR byla vytvořena pro ty nejmenší potápěče. Materiály nejvyšší kvality zaručují bezpečnost pod vodou, a dlouhou životnost produktu. Tvar masky a silikonové lícnice zajišťují snadnou přilnavost masky k obličeji. Díky velkému sklu se zvětšuje širokoúhlé zorné pole a viditelnost pod vodou. Celoobličejová maska je doplněná jednoduchým, skládacím šnorchlem s těsněním, který má jeden uzavíratelný ventil a tři kanály (jeden pro nádech a dva pro výdech). Toto řešení zabraňuje vniknutí vody do masky během potápění. Při ponoření celé masky do vody, se ventily automaticky zvednou a zablokují přístup k celé masce. Důležité také je, že teplý vzduch, který vydechujeme během plavání se dostává ven, díky čemuž se skla v celoobličejové masce nemlží. Celoobličejové masky Spokey byly vyrobeny za pomocí nejnovějších technologii. Jsou dobře utěsněné, což zabraňuje vniknutí vody do masky. Aby byla zachována plná bezpečnost, je v přední části masky ventil, který umožňuje vyfouknutí nežádoucí vody z masky ven. Díky tomu je používání celoobličejových masek Spokey bezpečné! Zapamatujte si magické chvíle s držákem na kameru Památka na dovolenou? Natočte si video! Celooobličejová maska ZUMI JR má držák na kameru, který můžete kdykoliv připevnit k masce a natočit si tak své podvodní dobrodružství. Součástí balení je síťový obal a opakovaně použitelný vak, který chrání masku před pískem a solí. Maska Kvalitní materiály, z nichž je maska vyrobena, zaručují její dlouhou životnost. Tvar masky zajišťuje perfektní přilnutí k obličeji a velké sklo umožňuje skvělou viditelnost a široké zorné pole. Šnorchl S jedním ventilem a třemi kanály, vyrobenými z těch nejkvalitnějších materiálů. Péče o masku Masku po každém použití řádně opláchněte pod tekoucí vodou pro odstranění nečistot, soli a chlóru. URČENO Rekreační šnorchlování Jak vybrat velikost masky? Parametry: sklo: zaoblené PC šnorchl: rovný, skládaný s jedním ventilem a třemi kanály (jeden pro nádech a dva pro výdech) lícnice: liquid silikon pásek: elastický, nastavitelný rám: PC součástí balení: odnímatelný držák na kameru baleno v síťce

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

3199 CZK  10% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

2999 CZK  11% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.

2999 CZK  11% 

Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.