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Domovská stránka > Sportovní potřeby > Outdoorové aktivity > Lodě a vodní sporty > Plavání

2999 CZK  20% 

Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them

2999 CZK  20% 

Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them

2999 CZK  20% 

Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them

2999 CZK  20% 

Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them

2999 CZK  20% 

Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them

1199 CZK  20% 

Description: The AQUA SPEED FROG fins are short fins created for recreational use by young children. The FROG fins are available in two sizes (S 25-29 and M 30-34) and in four colour versions. The FROG flipper's open caltrops are made of soft TPR material to prevent chafing. The transparent feather elements of the FROG fins, on the other hand, are made of lightweight polypropylene. The FROG fins are designed to help children build confidence in the water and make playing in the water even more exciting. Thanks to their small size and weight, FROG fins are convenient and safe to carry.

1199 CZK  20% 

Maska pro šnorchlování Spokey PERCH s elastickým páskem a uchycením pro šnorchl. Šnorchlování #veSpokeyStylu Bez specializovaného vybavení může být obtížné obdivovat krásu podmořského světa a jeho magickou flóru a faunu. Masky byly vytvořeny speciálně pro milovníky podvodního dobrodružství! Díky nim bude šnorchlování, tedy sport, který spočívá v plavání na hladině vody s ponořenou tváří do vody a pozorování podvodního života, ještě lepší! Ještě lepší viditelnost pod vodou Maska pro šnorchlování Spokey PERCH je vyrobena z nejkvalitnějších materiálů, které zaručují bezpečnost pod vodou a zajišťují dlouhé a uspokojivé používání. Její tvar a lícnice jsou vyrobeny ze silikonu, které se snadno a dobře přizpůsobí obličeji. Velké tvrzené sklo zvyšuje perspektivu a šířku viditelnosti pod vodou. Masky Spokey jsou vyrobeny pomocí nejnovějších technologií. Jsou dobře utěsněné, což znamená, že se voda během potápění nedostane dovnitř. U modelu Spokey PERCH je sklo vyrobeno z tvrzeného TG skla, rám z PC a lícnice ze silikonu. Díky použití této kombinace materiálů, je použití masky opravdu bezpečné! Inovativní pásek s uchycením pro šnorchl Spokey PERCH má elastický pásek s možnosti uchycení šnorchlu, který ulehčuje nasazování a sundávání masky. A navíc dobře drží na mokré hlavě a netahá za vlasy! Pro úplné pohodlí při používání je vhodné se řídit doporučeními odborníků: Je důležité, aby maska byla ideálně přizpůsobena tvaru obličeje. Proto nejprve přiložte masku na obličej, a až poté upravte její velikost pomocí regulovatelného pásku. Pro zajištění delší trvanlivosti masky, ji po každém použití důkladně opláchněte pod tekoucí vodou. Po usušení masku skladujte v chladu a chraňte před slunečním zářením. A pokud chcete, aby vaše maska vypadala i po mnoha použitích stále jako nová, vložte ji do vlažné vody a přidejte citronovou šťávu. Ponechejte ji v takto připravené vodě několik hodin. Díky tomu bude silikon, který mohl mezitím změnit svou barvu, vypadat znovu jako nový! URČENO: Rekreační šnorchlování Parametry: rám: PC sklo: tvrzené TG lícnice a pásek: silikon pásek: elastický s uchycením pro šnorchl s možností regulace délky

1199 CZK  20% 

Description: The AQUA SPEED FROG fins are short fins created for recreational use by young children. The FROG fins are available in two sizes (S 25-29 and M 30-34) and in four colour versions. The FROG flipper's open caltrops are made of soft TPR material to prevent chafing. The transparent feather elements of the FROG fins, on the other hand, are made of lightweight polypropylene. The FROG fins are designed to help children build confidence in the water and make playing in the water even more exciting. Thanks to their small size and weight, FROG fins are convenient and safe to carry.